2019.12.26 Christmas Tiger
Hope your Christmas was as special as mine. Anytime I can see childhood friends PLUS spend time with my own children, grandchildren and great-granddaughter plus so many friends, it's been a wonderful few days!
Over the weekend, Jo Lynn Hill and John VanWert, Betty Lou Wright and Charlie Dobbs, moi and my granddaughter, Jane (not pictured), met at the - get this - White Rabbit Gastropub "in the alley" in old town Frederick, MD. We passed some kind of test just finding the place. But it was super. Jane took the picture, that's why she's not in it.
Then Christmas Eve I got to spend it in Baltimore with all these wonderful gifts from God. Jane is on arm of chair, then Brooke with precious Cali on her lap (and not very happy, on overload! ha), moi and Bridget. Grandson Zach didn't make the drive over with us.
Send me some of your pictures so we can all enjoy them!
If you're in the Little Rock area, the Swing Band is playing a New Year's Eve gig for the first time. We'll stay playing at 9:00p and play until 12:35a at the Next Level, near the Train Station. Get on the band's website for more info or on facebook: www.swingbandreunion.com or www.livemusic.com.
See you next year!!