Jerry Venable was a Gospel Music Singer with The Venable Quartet that included Doyle and
Wallace Venable. He started his Gospel singing career in the early 1950’s with KARK Radio
doing the noon show and then to KARK TV, also doing the noon TV show with the Melody
Boys (that are still singing TODAY). He then formed The Venable Quartet with T. O.
Miller, Gerald Williams and Fred Smith and was on KATV in the 1960’s that ran 8 years. The
Venable Quartet was on Monday-Friday at 6:15 each evening. The group preformed in Arkansas,
Oklahoma and Kansas.
The Venable Family, Doyle and Wallace Venable, was well known for the Annual Levy Day
that was held for 42 years at the Venable Lumber Company with The Venable Quartet
performing for the Political Candidates and the large crowds that gathered.
Our heartfelt sympathy to Julie Anne Hamilton in the passing of her son, Bryan, on May 11.
Our sympathy to the family of JOANN DANIELS Niehaus who passed away May 14.
Our sympathy to the family of NORMA TRUEBLOOD Campbell who passed away May 16, 2021.
You'll soon be receiving flyers about our 65th Reunion which will be held here in Little Rock at the Crowne Plaza Hotel (name is changing),
the same location we've used for our past several parties. If you would prefer to receive the flyers via email )which would mean that you
are able to print and then return your Registration), please let me know. Otherwise we will be mailing flyers to every Classmate. We want
to see you at this Reunion!!! We've added a new event, a brunch on Saturday for each junior high school, East Side, West Side and Pulaski
Heights. You don't want to miss this Reunion!!
DATE: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 - Concert by our own Swing Band!
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 - Registration and dinner in Hotel Friday night
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 - Jr. High Brunches and Banquet that night