a Little Rock Central High Starduster!
My dad wrote his own obituary years ago (except for the end date, of course). He did a great job, but it doesn't really do justice to the remarkable and interesting life he lived. Cyndee Blount Snodgras.
Obituary for Bobby Ross Blount
Bobby Ross Blount, 81, died June 13. He was born in Little Rock on August 5, 1938, and graduated in 1956 from Central High School. Bob served in the US Army for 23 years before retiring as a Major in 1979. He was awarded the Legion of Merit, two Department of the Army Commendations and other service recognitions. Bob graduated from Georgetown University in Washington, DC, with a B.S. in Languages (Russian and German) and spent 11 years in Germany and Turkey over the course of his military career.
In 1983 he returned to Little Rock to manage trade associations until retiring again in 2003. Bob was a member of the Association for Intelligence Officers and Life Member of the Military Officers Association. He was a past-president of the Arkansas Society of Association Executives. He sang with the River City Men’s Chorus for nearly a decade and was named a Lifetime Member in 2009.
He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Claudine (Brejot) Blount of the home; daughters Cydnee Snodgrass (J.B.) of Rogers and Janell Gulstad (Chris) of Fort Smith; four grandchildren: Wyatt Cochran, Matthew Cochran, Emma Gulstad and Tucker Gulstad, and a sister, Mary Anne Marquis of Austin, TX. He is predeceased by his mother, Mavis Ross; a step-father, W.A. Blount, and sister Nancy Goforth.
Private graveside service at the National Cemetery in Fayetteville. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the River City Men’s Chorus, in care of Friends of RCMC, 6834 Cantrell Road #180, Little Rock, AR 72207. Arrangements by Benton County Funeral Home, 306 N. 4th Street, Rogers, AR www.bentoncountyfuneralhome.com
Our deepest sympathy to Beverly Finch in the death of her sweet husband, Clay Ballard. Like many of you who have been married for years, they were "joined at the hip".
If you don't have it and would like her CA address or email address, just let me know.
Dickson Flake is suffering from incurable lung problems. He is at home with 24/7 caregivers. I know he would love to receive cards. If you don't have his address, let me know.
He received a wonderful honor from the Rotary Club 99 of Little Rock on June 2. I will publish all of it on another TBT.
Elaine (Evans) and Larry Francis have a very special Grandson and Granddaughter-in-law. The Granddaughter, Kaetlin, has lukemia and has been in the hospital for
months. His Grandson, James Jetton, is a Minister; Kaetlin was an ER PA in Niceville, FL, so her income was very important to them. They have four children, all under the age of 6,
one with special needs. Larry says their faith and courage is extraordinary. I have been following her on FB and I certainly agree with him. Her rounds of chemo have not helped her
situation. It's a long story, but she was able to be accepted in a matter of hours to MD Anderson, not an easy feat I understand. Since she is neutropenic (unfortunately I know
several of you are familiar with this medical term), there was a big challenge of how to get her to MD Anderson and also she only had two days to get there in order to secure her room.
The pastor of another Florida Church offered to fly her there in his private plane. Friends have started a Go Fund Me page for the Jettons to give them some much needed help. I
know that Elaine and Larry have many long-time friends in our Class, so I just wanted to let you know about this situation and give you an opportunity to help out if you are so inclined.
Here's the link for their Go Fund Me page. Link: http://gf.me/u/x3s34