
As you know, this year at our 65th Reunion we're going to have three brunches. One for each

Junior High. Below are the names, phone numbers, email and home addresses of the three

girls who have graciously agreed to head up their junior high brunch. They are looking for

memorabilia. If you have any you would be willing to share with the understanding that anything

you snail mail will be returned. They would really love to receive things electronically if possible,

but they'll take anything! So start digging in your "stuff" and see what you can come up with.


Barbara Welton McDonald (c) (501) 519-1094

108 South Claremont Avenue

Sherwood, AR 72120-5517



Judy Callaway Pickering (c) (501) 413-9886

154 Pebble Beach Drive

Little Rock, AR 72212-2624



Pat Glass Thompson (c) (501) 580-2861

12021 Garrison Road

Little Rock, AR 72223-9777



Morris Ison lost his brother, Carroll, May 18. So sorry, Morris

Barbara May Boyd finally gave in and got a new knee. She's already in Branson so I guess all is well!!!!

Our sympathy to the family of Billy Joe Maley who died May 29.

Our sympathy to the family of Emily Durbin Karcher, who died June 3, 2021.

Looking forward to seeing these Classmates at the Reunion. They've already signed up!!

WILLIS CALLAWAY (and thanks so much for the donation!)

GARY FREDERICK (coming from Texas!)

BILL HEDGES (and thanks so much for the donation!)

CARL SMITH (coming from New York State)


TERRY WATSON (so glad you two are coming!)

BARBARA WELTON (heading up the East Side Brunch)

JACK BRADLEY (thanks so much, Jack, for that generous donation in honor of your

wife, Jackie Dickens, that we all loved. Wish we could talk you

into making the trip to Little Rock!!! Think about it!)

Attaching some pictures we took last night when a bunch of us got together for dinner. If you live

in the Little Rock area or are ever visiting and would like to join us, let me know. We usually meet

the first Monday of each month.

Start left: Kenda Carolyn Harris Treadway's head (Class of '55), Tommy Thomas, Bucky Polk,

Carolyn Boyd Boshears, Rosie and Pat Studer, Ben McMinn on the end, Judy Callaway, ML,

Mary Lou Hosack, Gwen Shepherd, Pat and Jim Wallis


Bones Dinner 2.jpg
Bones Dinner 3.jpg
LRCHS 1956