plus Class News
A year or maybe more ago (not good with time anymore!),I posted something about this search that involves Little Rock, Central High,our Classmates Tommy Alexander (now deceased unfortunately) and Loretta Mack. I can't remember how I met Linda Alexander, but on one of my trips to DC/MD/VA, we met for the first time for lunch in Frederick, MD, just outside DC, where she lived at the time. After that meeting she actually made a trip to Little Rock on her quest for any clue as to the identity of a half-brother she had never met or even known about until she was 57 years old. In the story when she mentions the "members of the Class of 1956" ... that would be me. The cousin - Tommy Alexander and Loretta Mack's son. I'm sending this again . . . just in case there's the slightest clue out there. If so, get in touch with one of us please!Missing ... a brother I never knew I had. Can you help?
*** I just sent this to The Today Show in hopes they might be willing to help me in my search for my half-brother. #areyoumybrother ***
Having a close family member but not knowing who is he is, where he lives, or how to find him is sad, ever-so-frustrating ... & something
that nags forever. I learned a year ago on May 7, 2013--my 57th birthday--that I have a half-brother. My cousin dropped the news on me
in an e-mail. His mother had told him my dad had a son while he was in his last year of high school, reportedly with a schoolmate. Yet she
didn't know the mother's name, the child's name, or the adopted father's name, a man who reportedly married the mother after the baby
was born. My dad passed away in 2009. How can I possibly find my brother?
I'm a classic entertainment biographer. I'm also an avid genealogist. Research is not foreign to me; it is a large part of my profession. Yet
without a single clue, even the smallest bit of detail, I'm at a loss this time as to where I can start to even begin to look. Facts I DO know:
My father - Robert Lundberg Alexander was born on November 11, 1931 in Denver, Colorado. He moved to Little Rock, Arkansas with his
parents & brother as a young boy. Entered Arkansas Air Force National Guard when he was about 17, & graduated from Little Rock Central
High School in May, 1950. The baby was reportedly born that year. Then he entered the US Air Force in Little Rock & by 1953, he was in
Houston, Texas. He left the Air Force about 1956 when I was born--he & my mother, Jewel Bengert--had married in 1953 in Houston.
My half-brother's mother was reportedly one of my dad's schoolmates. His parents, particularly his mother, Alice L. Alexander, & his father,
Thomas C. Alexander, didn't want him to be a part of this child's life. What he felt about it is unknown. His parents supposedly paid for the
mother's expenses during her pregnancy. Once the baby was born, she was said to have married a young man she dated before my dad
entered the picture. The story is that she had been dating this other man & left him for my dad. The first boyfriend adopted the boy & my
dad never had anything to do with him.
If I had a name, any name--the son, the mother, the adopted father, or where the baby was born--in those days, unwed mothers often went
away to have a child--I might have a chance to find my half-brother on my own. Yet with none of these details, I don't know where to begin.
With The Today's Show's vast visibility, audience & resources, I'm asking if you might help me get started. This brother, now a man about 64,
six or so years older than I--shares my father's DNA. Since my dad had no other children (that I know of), this man would be my only remaining
connection with my father. My dad & I only started to get to know each other when I was 16, a long & involved story I won't bother you with
here & now, & being able to make contact with someone who is literally direct family with me, would be a wonderful gift ... maybe before my
59th birthday next year.
I would have looked into a private investigator but I know nothing about this field & have no way to know if someone I choose off the internet
would, or would not, be reputable. I believe your show works with a reputable company that unites family members? ANY help you may be
able to provide would be immensely appreciated.
The following are pages I created in hopes of finding someone who might see some of this story & know someone who resembled my dad,
or had a family member who lived in Little Rock at the same time, went to the same school & graduated the same year, etc. I've worked
with members of my uncle's graduating class, 1956, to try & find someone who may have known my dad & who he dated, but that group
was considerably younger & so far, no one has any direct possibilities. Even my uncle didn't know of my dad's "business" in those days. Six
years is a vast gulf when you're only 12 & your brother is 18. My uncle passed away a number of years ago, before my dad ... who never
even breathed a single bit of this to me.
The pages:
Blog post:
Facebook page:
I have posted the Facebook page on my personal page many times with a hashtag: #areyoumybrother? Those posts have now disappeared
since my resources have faded. My wonderful friends have re-posted it, sent it to people in the Little Rock area, etc, but no one has thus far
had solid information. Many have offered wonderful suggestions but none I've been able to use ... especially with the scant details I have to
go on.
If there is anything you can do to help, anything, I can be reached via return email. I can also be reached by phone. I live in the Montgomery,
Alabama area.
Thank you so much for your time.
~ Linda Alexander Prevost
Robert L. Alexander circa 1951, US Air Force, enlisted Little Rock, AR
Our deepest sympathy to Dianne Smith and Ronnie in the death of her daughter, Tammy, on June 6, following a hospitalization.
Dianne has been a God-send to our Class. She was our Webmaster for Y.E.A.R.S.
As far as I know, our Classmates and families have been untouched by the virus. Anytime I am out in public, I have my mask on. Hope you are
doing the same. We don't want to lose ANY of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!