2020.09.10 THROW BACK THURSDAY - More on the Website plus Class News
THROW BACK THURSDAY - More on the Website plus Class News
I hope you're having fun with the website. I thought I would give you a little help to find an interesting film on Brooks Robinson,in case you haven't found it yet. Here's an easy link to get into the website:
Once you get into the website, here's where you go:
EVENTSLINKSTIGER FOUNDATIONChoose 2018 Award of Excellence Dinner honoring Muskie Harris, Clyde Horton and BROOKS ROBINSONAt the end of the short introduction its says: Tigers: Check out their tribute video! (turns red - click on that)Then scroll down to BROOKS ROBINSON. I think you'll love the film.Of course, all the others are very interesting also.
I know you all have enjoyed having the PIX online.
So keep playing with it. It takes some time to get all the way through. Remember it IS a work in progress!
Class News
Sadly I have been notified that we lost BILLY JOE MERRITT last Thursday, September 3, to liver cancer.They haven't published an obituary yet, but as soon as one is published, I'll make sure to post it.Here's Billy Joe and his wife, Wanda, PLUS his first wife and her husband, on a trip we made to Branson.There was no one like Billy Joe. I don't think anyone else has ever brought their present wife and theirformer wife to one of our events. Wanda and Billy Joe both told me that they are all best of friends! Wayto go, Billy Joe!!!! They never missed ANY function our Class had. You will really be missed, Billy Joe!!!