2022.05.26 FROM LRCHS PROM TO LRJC Plus Class News



Our deepest sympathy to Barbara Browne in the death of her son.

Joyce Duncan, thinking of you while you're taking care of your husband while he is hospitalized in Hot Springs.

John Len Burnett, so sorry to hear about Suzanne's fall. Please tell her we're all pulling for her to have a full and fast recovery.

Many of you should have heard from several members of the Reunion Committee urging you to get registered for our 66th Reunion that will start Thursday, September 22, 2022, with a special concert by the SWING BAND REUNION (Betty Chandler, leader and still playing that piano), followed by a Friday night, September 23, box dinner and get-together in the lobby of the Delta Plaza Hotel where Betty Chandler

and her combo will be playing. Then Saturday morning at 11:30a in the Hotel those who attended West Side, East Side or Pulaski Heights will be meeting in private dining rooms for brunch. That night at 6:00p we will be together for a bang-up banquet in the Ballroom of the Hotel. DON'T MISS THIS!!!!! We don't want to miss seeing you!!!!

Little Rock Area Classmates:

If you would like to have a 20-piece band play for your church, birthday celebration, graduation party, neighborhood/residence area or any fun get-together, please call BETTY CHANDLER WARD at (501) 730-1876 and tell her you want to hire the SWING BAND REUNION. Or call me (501) 343-3355. You can afford us . . . believe me!!!! This band is made up of talented musicians who just love to play for the joy of making great music.


"The older I get, the more clearly I remember things that never happened. - Mark Twain


LRCHS 1956