2020.11.12 Thank You VETS and Class News
I’m leading the list off with our most decorated Veteran from the LRCHS Class of 1956:
HARMON, Bill - Army ⭐️⭐️ General (Major General)
BARNHOUSE, Jackie - Army National Guard (D)
BLOUNT, Bobby Blunt - Army (D)
BROOKS, J. C. - AF National Guard
CALE, Dr. Charles - AF
CROW, Dr. Joe - AF Colonel (flight surgeon/orthopedic surgeon)
DELL, Jack - Navy Captain (Annapolis Grad)
FARRIS, Sam - AF (D)
GRUMBLES, Jimmy - AF (Pilot)
HARMON, Bill - Army (2 Star Major General)
HARRIS, Carl - Navy (D)
HARTSTEIN, Peter - Army
HAWN, Herbert “Stormy” - AF Pilot
JONES, Harold - AF
JONES, Jimmy - AF (D)
LANGLEY, Sam - Army (D)
LANGLEY, Wayne - Army
LEWIS, Rodger Pat - Navy
MOORE, Charles - Army (D)
MOOSER, Alvin "Storie" - Army National Guard
MULKEY, Gaylon - Nacy
ORTON, Syd - Army
RATH, Bill Rath - Marines (Viet Nam Pilot)
RIGGS, Lamar “Buddy” - Army
RUNYON, Frank - Army (D)
SATTERFIELD, Hammond - Army
SCHALCHLIN, Ed - Navy (never left Australia!)
SCOTT, Rt Wayne “Scotty” - AF National Guard
SMITH, Ronnie - Army
SONTAG, Robert - Army (D June 30, 1956, plane crash)
SPECTOR, Robert - AF
STOTTS, Jim - Army Major – Several tours in Viet Nam and a KY Col.
WADE, Dr. Billy - US Public Health Service (D)
WILLMUTH, Dr. Ragon - AF
WINTERS, Walt - Army and Navy!
YOUNG, Wayne - Marines (Viet Nam Pilot) (D)
Although he wasn’t a Central High grad, Wesley Clark, a proud Little Rock native,
graduated #1 in his class at Hall High in 1962 and also at West Point plus he was
a Rhodes Scholar. The four ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ General became “Supreme Allied
Commander of Forces” in Europe which was the job Ike had during World War II
when they launched “D day”. That title job is still stationed in Belgium and manned
by a U.S. General today. The General’s house/headquarters is a huge Château, over
a hundred years old, with servants and all that.
I'm sure I missed several, but thanks to Bill Harmon and Joe Crow we put a pretty
good list together. For those I missed, drop me a REPLY and I'll get you on the
list next time!
Class News
From Jeanette Young who has dedicated many years to the VFW:
Sadly we can't make the trip...and in previous years the reunions fell at the same time as our state conventions
and/or workshops & district. We were both totally dedicated. Traveling due to inherited bone problems travels
are out of the question now. It is the biggest reason for our 'retiring'. Yes, I get my toes damp...doing publicity
for the auxiliary from the house. I used to do all reporting, Community Scrapbooks (took five of 8 past years first
place in State and Placed 1st place three out of the last five years at National Convention). Have lots of wonderful
memories and friends. Thanks for what you do...been there and done that so I know what it takes. We live down
here in Orange, Texas three miles from the Louisiana border on the Gulf Coast...yep--Hurricane country. Had some
doozies lately but we love it here. Well, time to get busy...still don't stay idle. Thanks again.
Ronnie and Dianne Smith have moved into their new handicapped home, designed by Dianne. Address is
the same except substitute a "9" for the "1".
Happy Birthday tomorrow, Linda McGrew!!!