My computer is having a bad day so spacing between items will be a little strange. Just keep looking!
Mary Lou, this is one thing you girls did not get to see. When we guy's got a new pair of levi's, we would fill the bathtub
full of hot water and sit in it to shrink the jeans for a tight fit. In gym class you could tell who just got a new pair as their
legs were stained blue.
Jack Holtzman
I really enjoyed your story about the Levi Jeans. From the time I was old enough to be "style conscious" I wanted Levi Jeans.
Mother had the same arguments that you wrote about. Levies were more expensive than Tuffies or Tuff-Nut, and you had to go
to N. Little Rock to buy them. They were not "pre shrunk", so you had the risk of them not fitting after the first washing, etc. After
years of arguing with her, Mother finally relented and I got my first pair of Levi's. Your story brought back many memories.
As an aside, I think that Marjem Jackson's father was an owner of the factory that made either Tuff-nut or Tuffies.
Looking forward to seeing you and others at the reunion in September.
regards, Jack Dell
Thanks Marylou, enjoyed the Levis reminders. I wonder how many of us got sweaty wearing that first "new pair"
(usually summer/before school) only to discover we had pale blue legs...that didn't completely wash off in the bathtub??
......and it wasn't just our legs.
David Hudiburgh
Thanks for sharing and I especially liked reading about long ago and almost forgotten Levi jeans and "rolling up the cuff." For me, rolling up my shorts was "the thing." I remember my Daddy would see me about to go out the front door and one look at how short my shorts were and he would say, "roll those shorts down." I would comply briefly until out of sight of our house. I saw Elvis also and felt melancholy after---his last performance along with his last few years was so sad to watch for various reasons, but mainly because those around him didn't get him the help he needed. He was born just a few months before me in 1935. I was surprised that I could still remember most every word of his music.
Ethel Griffin Roberts-Curry, LRHS Class of 1952
I thought long and hard before including this and then said, Oh, heck, why not:
I stopped wearing Levi s in 1952 because they were just like my house. They didn’t have any ball room.
BOB SMITH, Kay Kerby's husband (sorry, Kay!)
Gaylon Mulkey is trying to find Jerry Masters if anyone is still in touch with him:
Thank you. Great Thursday type newsletter
Thanks for your efforts in getting Jerry Masters telephone numbers to me--although the attempts were all unsuccessful.
got 2 or 3 responses -- but nothing worked
got to go
1956 CLASS NEWSThinking of you Jane Johnston and husband Bill Smith: Marylou, so many thanks for getting me caught up w/Throw Back Thursday and for your concern about Bill. Yes, you do have my permission to include his health situation in the Class News. He graduated in '51 but he has friends in our class, including Sid Orton, whose brother, Buddy, was in our wedding. Bill is doing remarkably well as he goes through dialysis. Our new 'normal' is getting up at 5a.m. to go in for treatment and staying on a low/no sodium diet. I wonder how many of our classmates have been through the same thing? It's a new way of life but we are enjoying the journey together.I will be anxious to hear about the reunion and to see pictures. I can't thank you enough for keeping our CLASS of '56 connected.Love to you from Jane Johnston SmithOur sympathy to the family of PATRICK BABB who passed away August 6, 2022.1955 CLASS NEWSThank you, Mary Lou, and thank you Pat Horney. Anne BoneYour Classmate Jean Ray Pike was featured in an article in High Profile in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette thispast Sunday. She owned a bookstore in North Little Rock for 30 years, raised 6 daughters and lived for a time before her marriage with Karo Kampbell in Manhattan Beach, CA. I'm wondering how the two of them got all the way out there? Let us know Karo! If you would like a copy of the entire article, I will try to scan it and send itto you. Or if anyone knows another easier way, let me know.Mike Herndon was recently in the hospital with diverticulitus(?) He is home now and feeling much better.Brooks at a local crab house outside Baltimore with Eddie Murray, another Hall of Famer!My Baltimore granddaughters keep me up to date on Brooks !