In 1946, Little Rock was in a rush to get rid of their still fairly extensive trolley system, to be replaced with electric or diesel buses. Imagine how Main Street might be revitalized if a trolley line still operated on that route or how the Heights might benefit from patrons who rode in on a trolley rather than bringing more automobiles into an already congested area where parking can be impossible.
In anticipation of publishing a new Class Directory for our 65th Reunion scheduled for September 24 and 25
this year at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, I've received some updates. Here are a few. If you need specifics, let
me know:
Martha Jane Williams has moved from Florida to Tennessee
Robert Gosnell has a new Hot Springs Village address
Les Grady has some updated information
Joel Hicks has given me his exact mailing address in Atkins. His wife Jodi is doing well in the nursing home.
There's probably more I've forgotten about. If so, I'll catch them next week. The important thing is, if you've
moved, gotten a new cell number, dropped your land line, etc., please let me know so I can update our
Directory. Also, be sure I have your birthdate -- only want month and day. (Like I can't figure the year out! ha)
Our sympathies to the family of Molly Jones Grose who passed away February 12, 2018.
Nancy Newsome Hoehn had a heart ablation this past Monday and was out of the hospital by Tuesday.
She has A-fib. The doctors are trying to avoid a pacemaker. We missed seeing her this past October when she
came to Little Rock for her sister, Tish's, 80th birthday.
I called Janet Spears last week. She says she's doing OK. She's still taking chemo, lost her hair, but
loving her "new digs". Says there's always someone around to play cards, bingo or just to visit with.
Joe Crow and Ginnie are still in Massachusetts. COVID hasn't hit there, so they're waiting until things
calm down a little more in Little Rock before they come home. He's posted some wonderful winter pictures
on Facebook.
Welcome to Throw Back Thursday, Gene Pfeifer!
And speaking of birthdays, here's MARCH:
4 Nancy Deese
10 Joyce Cullins and Harry Jones
12 Catsy Collard
13 Dave Duggan
14 Syd Orton
15 Jimmy Perry and Gene Barnett
17 Joel Hicks, Janis McAtee and Marcella Rowland
20 O. J. Fuller
22 Sylvia Campbell
23 Caroline Wilson
24 Monica Starnes
26 Jean Kizzia
28 Cil Autry and Kay Holloway
Have a great weekend!