I don't know how many of you even knew about the Arkansas State Tuberculosis Sanatorium in Booneville, AR, "back in the day". I remembered it because my Mother's brother was treated there for several years. My Mother drove him there with him holding a towel over his mouth all the way and his window open on the passenger side. Then when we let him out, he walked up to a really tall fence that to me went on forever. I was probably 4 or 5 years old. My Mother cried while he walked through the gates and then out of sight. I didn't see him again for years.

I remember thinking he was the skinniest man I had ever seen.

On this day in 1973, the Arkansas State Tuberculosis Sanatorium officially closed, and the main gates were left unlocked for the first time in more than sixty years. The facility later reopened as the Booneville Human Development Center and is classified as a historic site. The sanatorium was established in 1909 about three miles south of Booneville (Logan County). Once fully established, the sanatorium was the relocation center for all white Arkansans with tuberculosis. By the time the facility closed, it had treated more than 70,000 patients, and, in time, its main hospital, the Nyberg Building, became known worldwide for its tuberculosis treatment. While most people who were condemned to live at the center considered it the equivalent of a death sentence, in actuality, the outdoor air on the top of the mountain benefited patients. Treatment—consisting of fresh air, bed rest, and drug therapy—usually lasted from ten months to two years, although some people did stay longer.

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Our sympathy to the family of J. E. Sampley, who passed away June 21, 2021, after a long illness.

Obituary for J E Sampley

May 22, 1938 - June 21, 2021.

Born in Dekalb, Mississippi. Parents J E Sampley Sr. and Lucile Dunlap Sampley

Memorial service live stream (still available for watching) was 10am Friday 6/25 at Floral Haven Funeral Home.

J E Sampley was a Quality Control Engineer, Certified, Self-taught.

Survived by wife, Una Lee Sampley, 3817 South Oak Ave, Broken Arrow, OK 74011

In recent years, J E and Calvin Hanson spoke a few times and he wrote to Calvin once. He attended

Parham Elementary and Kramer Elementary and East Side Jr High School. He also attended school

in Mabelvale. He loved football and baseball and played various league baseball as a teenager. He

mentioned Don McMullen and Joe Harbour several times when he talked of baseball.

Our sympathy to Carol Helmbeck and family in the death of her son, James Settles

We have new address information for Florence Baker and Betty Phillips

I've been a little slack on birthdays so I'll try to make up for it.


1 Nancy Bostic and Kay Martin

4 Lloyd Kassler

6 Edna Halley

8 Mary Catherine Kline and Marilyn McKinney

9 Jay Flack

12 Catherine Siler

13 Sandra McEwen

16 John Bagby

21 LeRoy Danner

22 Warren Thompson

23 Terry Watson

24 Jim Bredenger and Mary Lou Hosack

26 Kitty Kirkpatrick

27 Pat Haynie

28 Milton George'

29 Larry Francis

31 Liz Little


I've heard from 46 Classmates to date! If you are coming to the Saturday night banquet, don't forget to

fill out the portion on the back of the Registration Form that concerns introductions we are making. We

will be introducing each Classmate and we'll use your words. So be sure and fill that part in. Everyone

is excited about the Junior High brunches. We are too! I know it will be a lot of fun!

I know some of you are having a hard time getting around. Don't forget that a shuttle will pick you up at the

Airport, bring you to the Hotel and then deliver you back to the Airport if you are flying. Once you get to

the Hotel, you don't have to leave. Other than the free concerft Thursday night by the Swing Band Reunion,

all activities will occur at the Hotel. The Hospitality Suites will be open all the time for you to come get a cup

of coffee, a snack and just visit with friends you don't often see. If you need special help, just let us know!

Even if you only think you will be able to come, you should go on and make your hotel reservations now. You

can always cancel if things don't work out. The local number for the Hotel, which is the best number to call,

is (501) 223-3000.


LRCHS 1956