2022.06.23 RITZ NO-TELL MOTEL plus Class News
"Luxurious Rooms with radios and telephones!”
1956 Class News
Our deepest sympathy to the family of Morris McLeod. One of his best friends, Willis Callaway, says Morris had been ill for some time.
This Saturday, 6/25, at 11:15am, many will be meeting at the Olive Garden in NLR on McCain Boulevard to welcome Joan Thomas back to LR for a visit. If you can attend, please let Barbara Welton know asap!!! Joan hasn't been back to LR since our 50th Reunion, so I hope many of you can go to welcome her back for a visit.
1955 Class News
I have just spent the loveliest afternoon with Gaylon Mulkey's sisters, Judy ('55) and Janis ('64). If anyone's ears were itching, we were talking about you. Judy and Anne Bone grew up in the same neighborhood and have stayed in touch all these years. Elsie Aaron, Margie Edison, Doris Ross, Lana Douthit, Polly Clark, she asked me about each of you and many others. They live together in Winchester, VA. Just so happens they live only about 20 miles from my son. Small world!
I'm on a strange computer, so this will be short and sweet. Back to normal next Thursday!