Just click under the link and sit back and be amazed if you haven't been to Little Rock in awhile.
Mooser's memory of "the way it used to be":One image indelible for me is the view at Christmas time from where I waited countless nights for city transit before becoming a licensed driver. Long since renamed Martian Luther King Blvd, it was then High Street, and against the darkened sky it gapped the black horizon to the North as a "V", perfectly framing the Capitol dome which was annually illuminated in blue from Thanksgiving until New Year's day. To me at the time that view only heightened my sense of the season being magical .
Class News
Willis Callaway - Messages from his daughter, KimAugust 16:Please pray for my dad Willis Callaway and the doctors and nurses who will be caring for him ashe has heart valve replacement and triple bypass surgery Monday at the Arkansas Heart Hospital.
Update from my mom:Doctor came out; he is finished and everything went well. He had to some cutting and sewing to make opening right size for valve and I get to see him in 45 min or hour
August 18: Update
My dad is doing great! He got his chest tube taken out and is more mobile. He’s been eating and plans to be going home in 2-3 days. He’s got his phone, so if you text him or contact him through FB I think he should be able to respond. Thank you all for your prayers and words of encouragement!! ***********************************************************************************************************************Our sympathy to June Clifft in the death of her brother, Dennis, last week
Lynn Hansen is on her way to Dallas, TX, with her daughter, Beth. Mary Lou Hosack Billingsleyreports that Lynn is unable to be rehabilitated, so she will live in a group home in Dallas thatonly has seven other residents and a registered nurse on duty 24/7. Mary Lou and Clara DeanStoddard are already planning a trip to Dallas to visit Lynn.
Jim Stotts has a new email address.
Message to all Classmates from Ed Stebbins:
My oldest son, Eddie, is owner of "Gritty's", an english style of pubs in Maine and all the beer is brewed on the if you visit Maine, visit Gritty's!! All the best...Ed Stebbins
If you are a "Wilson's Tiger" - you know who you are. The annual Reunion is planned forSaturday, September 4, at the home of Ethel Belle Griffin Curry. If you haven't heard fromGeorge Clark yet, contact one of us.
Jean Kizzia and her newest Great-Grandson. This is the picture of happiness! Congrats, Jean!
Last part of August Birthdays:15 Mary Bowden and George Hebling16 Snooky Peters17 Mary Fleming20 Alvin Mooser22 (Larry) Kirk Tompkins23 Bill Goodman24 Louie Allred25 Betty Willis28 Owen Curry and Mary Kell