Little Rock has changed so much since the 50's and 60's, that if you tried to find the spot where the old Trailways Bus Station was at Markham and Main, you'd find it impossible. Don't believe me, I dare ya'! LOL
1956 Class News
Our sympathy to ALVIN MOOSER in the loss of his last sibling, sister Laverne Mooser Belk.
The funeral is actually today. Alvin and Nancy (Long) are in town for the services.
Our sympathy to the family of LIMUEL SIMPSON who passed away this week on October 26.
Limuel was a store owner in Lonoke, AR, and has been married to Mary Ruth forever.
1957 Class News
Welcome to your "official" first Throw Back Thursday. Thanks to those of you who responded so quickly!
Here's some of the responses:
"This just wonderful Mary Lou...I so appreciate it...c.ount me in on anything I can do to help.... Diana Loy is between Nikki and Lana and Im on the end of the next to last row.. Love Ann Dickinson Monahan"
"I am Betty Emery Miner. My birthday is June 15. I now live in Corvallis, Oregon, and would welcome
visitors to my adopted state to enjoy a cup of beverage and catch up on old times in Little Rock."
"Birthday - March 28. In a relatrionship after Class of '56 wife died. Don Gephardt"
"Thanks so much for the picture and the email. I must admit that I only vaguely recognized Lana Douthit in the picture. A couple of the others are Facebook friends of mine, but I could not pick them out! Chalk it up to my senility! Was that Richard Bell on the far left and still looking good? (He went to our church, and I had a crush on him for years! ) My birthdate is July 3, 1937. I would love to see more pictures if you have any. Diana Loy told me she was going, but I didn’t see her in the picture. Anyway, thanks for your time and effort. Your name is so familiar to me. Did you ever know Edith Hay, my baby sister (now 79), who went to Hall and not Central? Elsie Hay Cook"
"I'm responding for Dave Hagan. Dave enjoyed reading and seeing pictures of fellow classmates. We live in small northern town in Susanville, CA, 84 miles from Reno, NV. Dave's career was with CA Dept. of Forestry which is now CA Fire fighting land fires. Dave is doing great at age 84, but just has slowed down some. Again, thank you for touching out to Dave. Shirley Hagan"
Thank you so much for the photo!I wish i could have been there! You brought back a lot of memories as you recalled little rock!! I loved it then! Pat Horney
Diana Loy was on the front row of the picture, sitting between Nikki Polychron and Lana Douthit. The color of hair might have thrown you a little, but believe me, absolutely nothing else has changed. She's just as vivacious as ever!!!!
Shirley Muse says we have her correct e-mail address.
"Sounds like a great idea. My DOB is June 23. John Ostner"
Roselyn Parrish's birthday is December 29!
Nikki Polychron's birthday is 2/11/38. HELLO LRCHS CLASS OF 1955!
Daphne Scheidt says we have her correct e-mail address
"I also see bob Yada, Clyde Riggs, Roselyn Parrish, Anne Dickinson, John Ostner and Ed Copeland. Picture is not very clear so I can't figure out any others without studying closely. My birthdate is April 20.
"Well for one, there's me, William Shepherd. I'm standing in front of the door and behind Nikki Polychron.
White shirt, dark coat. And I turned 85 October 13.
Sympathy to Kay Smith who lost her husband, Bill Patton, on October 21. Jack Stanley"
"Loved seeing the picture you sent. I was sorry I could not attend the reunion. I am connecting with Lana next week so I will find out more news. My birthdate is March 8. I don't have much news. My latest is that my granddaughter, who is an obstetrician in Mobile, had her first baby this year so I am a very proud great grandmother. So much for me. Put me on your list to correspond with. Thanks, Anne Wait"
"Thanks for sharing. Janice Williams"
Pat Witherspoon's birthday is June 29.
Jane Wyatt's birthday is May 19.
If you're already worried about Christmas, here you go: