Drew Smyly is a former LRCHS Tiger!!!!

Class of 1956 News

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to WILLIS CALLAWAY, Today's the Day!!! Willis has recently had heart

surgery, but is well on the road to recovery. He is still taking physical therapy, but hopes to be "graduated" soon!

Willis is a valuable member of our Reunion Committee. He is always ready to go that extra mile. When you

attend one of our Reunions and see the posters with pictures of deceased Classmates, those posters are made by

Willis and I'll assure you lots and lots of work goes into them. Thanks for all your hard work for our Class, Willis!

Just by chance this past Tuesday, John Choate, Ray Alexander, Hammond Satterfield and

Syd Orton met at the Fletcher Library for early voting. It was a special time of visiting, great laughter and memories

that went back to junior high. We should all be PROUD to be a member of the 1956 Class of Little Rock Central High School!

We all care for each other and are a very special group.

A memorial service for our recently deceased Classmate, Janice Ward, will be held at the First Christian Church

located at 14411 Taylor Loop Road, at 11:30 AM, Friday, November 19. Larry Ward, Janice's brother, has invited her

friends and classmates to attend.

Friends of Charles Mayhan, good news, we now have an updated address for him.

Hit REPLY if you would like to have it.

Anna Vratsinas, hope your knee is doing better!

A personal note: I will be traveling next week beginning on Thursday, November 11, so I will post next week's Throw Back

Thursday on Wednesday, the 10th. I'm not sure I will make it back in time to post Thursday, November 18, but there's a

slim possibility.

Class of 1955 News

Sounds good. Class of 55.  My birthday is April 12. 

Dorthea Blankenship

Hi: thanks for your efforts to keep us all in touch. My birthday is May 3. Looks like an outstanding group in the photo. 

Karo Campbell

Married Virginia Watt class of '56

Retired from Kroger as President of Private Label Division 

Had just gotten out of the Hospital so had to miss the reunion

Hated to miss.  My BD is November 10.

Byron Crain

Thanks Mary Lou, we are all thrilled that you are including 1955 class with Thursday throw backs & I will send photos 

that I took at 2021 reunion to you soon ! It was a great success for those who were there 

Lana Douthit

Betty Houchin Winfield ‘55 here from Seattle; Professor Emerita, 

wife of Barry Hyman, mother of daughters Sharon Wise and

Sid Winfield, step-mother of Celia Baculi and Rachel Hyman,

Grandmother of five and step-grandmother of six and 

step-great grandmother of twins.  Let me know if you come

this way. DOB 11/4.

Thx for doing this.  My birthdate is February 23.

…Dana Lasker 


Have  been reading your emails for several years because my wife Nancy Meeks  was in your class of 1956.

BTW that basketball team pic was made when I was in 11th grade after we won city championship.  Robert 

Nosari was in our wedding in 1959 driving the get away car from some of my OSU friends.  Starting in 9th 

grade most of guys in that pic played together for next four years and never finished below third in city play.  

Some of us including  Jewell Self in 12th grade were scouted by ARK and OSU which is one of reasons I went to OSU.

Lotts of fun memories

Carroll Lochridge Class of 55

Thanks for the newsy email!  As I was reading the comments, I thought, why isn’t my birthday there?  Well, when I went back 

and reread your original email, I realized that I hadn’t put mine in because I wanted to include the year. It’s 9/11/38, and I believe 

that makes me the “baby” of the class.  I’d always thought that until the reunion before this one, when Bobby Baird said his 

birthday was a month later than mine.   I was so disappointed at losing my title (even if only in my own mind) - until- at this request, 

he told me his was in 37!  

Thanks so much for all your effort, and please, please add me. 


Was married for 8 years - met my ex in Kentucky, and he’s the one who moved me to Florida. We had no children - I had mine in 

school and after. When we divorced, he went back and I stayed.  I taught music in public schools for 19 years in Kentucky 5 and

Florida 14. During that time was a choir director or paid soloist in Methodist, Presbyterian , Episcopalian and even Greek Orthodox 

churches.  Also was music director for community theatres and schools other than my own. Also taught private voice students. 

I left the pubic schools at 44 to become an Equity actress, did that for 5 years, continuing to teach private students, then realized I

didn’t care for the lifestyle - working most weekends and holidays. I still work 3 days a week for the BBB of SE Florida & the Caribbean 

in Collections, teach 3 private students, play keyboard and sing in the Greenacres Boys and a Babe (3 guys & me), am an officer in 2 

different Toastmasters class, and every so often act in a show. I did 3 shows on Zoom when our theatres were shut down. 

That’s what i did/am doing!  

Diana Loy

Marylou, I would like to be added to your newsletter list.  What a neat idea and have enjoyed reading all the responses. 

I am the old lady wearing  a raspberry sweater in the pic you sent us. Thanks for offering this connection to our 55 class. 

My birthday is August 20th. I enjoyed the Reunion on Saturday evening. 

Brenda McClenney Walker 

Thx for the post. Luved all the comments.

 Nikki Polychron

Thanks so much for the email and picture. I had planned to go to the reunion and registered for it 

but decided that my hearing is so bad that meaningful communication would have been nearly impossible. 

I plan to see Dr. Dornhoffer at UAMS on 11/1/21and see if I might be a candidate for a cochlear implant. 

I retired from the practice of Internal Medicine and Nephrology at age 80 and live with my wife Dianna 

(Wingfield) Pyle in Little Rock. I enjoyed reading all the comments and look forward to receiving the Thursday 

emails. My email address is correct and my birthday is 4/25/37.

 Hoyte Pyle



I didn’t attend the reunion but paid for a directory. Haven’t gotten it yet? Thanks

Robert F Rutt-   BD 01/08/38


Well, for one, there's me, William Shepherd.  I'm standing in front of the door and behind Nikki Polychron.  

White shirt, dark coat.  And I turned 85 October 13.

 Thank you, Marylou, for your work to keep us class members in touch with each other.


Here's some more classmates that were iin that picture you posted last week

from our Reunion.

I also see Bob yada, Clyde Riggs, Roselyn Parrish, Anne Dickinson, John Ostner, Ed Copeland.

Our birthdays are :  Jack (4/20/37)  Roselyn (12/29/37)

 Jack Stanley

Pass along to Nikki P a "Happy BDay" from me!  Saga po po yi!! (or something like it......) 

Ed Stebbins, Class of 1956

Marylou, Hi there ol’ Sweetheart!  Thanx for the pix and sorry I could not have been there.  I have since looked at 

Thursday Throw Back.  The latest one re. old bus station brought back early childhood memories per many years 

before I lived in Little Rock.  We lived in Monroe, La (I was born there).  Mother and I went to grandmother’s in DuVall’s 

Bluff several times a year.  We’d take the train from Monroe to Little Rock and then the bus to DuVall’s Bluiff.  I can still 

remember the layout of the place and the adjacent bus lanes as if it were yesterday.

My BD is February 13th.  (probably a Friday!)  Just kidding; I distinctly remember it was a Tuesday.  Suppose I come from 

a long line of late bloomers – my Dad was born in 1893.  His father had fought in the Civil War when a teenager.  Dad was 

44 when I came along thus we can span many years in 2 generations.  You won’t find many people that can trace a paternal 

grandfather back to 1850.

Bob Swinney


 Enjoyed this!  TYVM      

 Janice Williams





LRCHS 1956