2019.09.12 Throw Back Thursday
The good ole days when traveling - especially flying - was actually fun!
The airport was originally named "Adams Field" after Captain George Geyer Adams, 154th Observation Squadron, Arkansas National Guard, who was killed in the line of duty on September 4, 1937.[4] He was a strong advocate for the airport, and also a Little Rock city councilor. American Airlines was the first airline to serve Little Rock when it first landed at Adams Field in June 19, 1931.[1] During World War II the airfield was used by the United States Army Air Forces Third Air Force for antisubmarine patrols and training.
The original 1930s airport terminal. Long since razed, off 9th & Bond streets. No hassles. Just buy your ticket at the desk, walk out the door into the open-air boarding platform. Through a chain-link gate, across the tarmac and up the steps into the passenger compartment. DC-3s, Convair 660s, DC-7s and Electra prop jets. Later, Boeing 727s. When Flying still was Fun. Not an ordeal marathon course! Jerry Dean
CLASS NEWSWell, the GOOD news is . . . there's no BAD news! Hooray!
If you're in the LR area, River City Men's Chorus Fall series starts Sunday, 3:00p, Second Presbyterian, followed by Monday night at 7:00p and Thursday night at 7:00p. Then you have to wait for the winter concert. Still miss Bobby Blount standing up there on the top "rafter", singing his heart out!
September birthdays
2 Barbara Edwards
3 Patsy Larch and Farris Spann
7 John Choate
8 Nancy Long
14 Jackie Bush and Betty Pritchard
17 Jan Nix and Doug Smith
19 Linda Bennett and Bill Hedges